Parisian apartment

Thanks so much for all your well wishings on the new pregnancy! I am totally in awe with the lovely comments! 
I love Parisian apartments, many of them are with nicely decorated ceilings and walls and of course a marble fire place. They weather these days are rainy and cold and that is what attracted me to this apartment, dark, masculine but you can see yourself here with a an oversized cashmere sweater sipping a hot tea after you did your shopping in Le Marais district. Fortunately I have been many times to this romantic city and I can not get enough of it. I love Paris!

Another favorite is the herringbone floor.

images via

The reason of my absence lately...

Hello luv´s! This is the reason for my absence lately, and I am so happy I can finally say that I am 8 weeks pregnant! I have been telling friends these days and I am astonished many of them ask if we were looking for a second baby so soon? Yes we were. I always have wanted 2 kids. I grew up as a happy only child but believe me I would commit ....anything... to have a brother or a sister, so if you have brothers or sisters, treasure that! I am due in the beginning of January 2014, Matt will be almost 2 years then. I am bullied with nausea, and I forgot how it was to be pregnant in the first trimester, uuuuh.
Hopefully soon I feel a bit better and I am back to posting often. Yesterday I had a girl from London visiting our place, and I had to say I was a bit shy to show her around, with Matt now walking and running trought the house nothing is neat! The house is a mess, ooo what would it be with 2 kids? 

Birds of a feather

Birds, birds, birds ... are featuring very high on the radar out here in the countryside, my other half did another rescue this week for Tiggywinkles where a duck had laid her eggs in a school courtyard, yes another one, safe from the perils of the wild yet in an area where there was no water or food and the newly hatched ducklings couldn't fly away from. Anyway, safe to say, another mum and her babies have now been relocated to a reservoir. 

Not long ago we found that a pair of swans had made a nest on the Grand Union Canal which runs near our village in Buckinghamshire.
They had laid eggs on their amazing floating nest and were working as a pair to build up the nest, one bird passing reeds to the other bird who wove them in. As we watched this amazing event we noticed, (and who couldn't), the amount of rubbish floating in the water around them. Plastic bags, drink cans, all manner of horrible human litter. 

As we were passing yesterday, on our way to look for antiques in Ampthill, we pulled over to find that the eggs had hatched and the proud parents, still working together as a pair, were safeguarding and protecting their lovely fluffy babies.

This is a lovely story, almost.  If you count the eggs and then count the signets you will see that we have one that didn't make it. When I looked down at the nest I could see the poor little thing. Who knows why it didn't survive, but when you see that in the nest right next to it seems to be part of a vacuum cleaner, is it any wonder. 

Heres hoping that the not so ugly ducklings, like in the song, turn into beautiful swans. 

One of my favourite shopping destinations is an Antiques Emporium in Ampthill. It has three floors of very keenly priced antiques and collectables, all housed in an old department store which has reinstated original shop fittings from a pharmacy. You never know what you will find here, and the most surprising item of the day had to be these platform shoes from the seventies. 

Ampthill, is like a lot of the small towns in middle England, a real blast from the past

The high street has all it original buildings, and some authentic old signs still in place. There is an abundance of thatched cottages and this week the Wisteria was in full bloom. I love this plant and have never had the patience to grow one, as they are so slow, I would love to have one on the front of the house just like this ...

To finish off with an interiors shot, I am photographing more of the Van Asch collection and when Ian brought home the nest made by the Duck he had rescued, it seemed appropriate to have it with this wonderful Bullfinch cushion. The cushion tells us to "Ponder" and maybe thats what we should do, about how the thoughtless actions of some can have a ripple effect. 

More knitting to come soon, Im now working on a jumper for the fairisle book mentioned before, its in a lovely combination of grey with orange and pink details, the wool is by Debbie Bliss, one I haven't used before, the Donegal tweed. When more of the project is complete I shall report back on my findings.

If the sun peeps through a bit more this week I can take some more photos, indoors and outdoors. Another trip to the bluebell woods was rained off but I do have plans for shots in the bright yellow rapeseed fields which are currently brightening up the landscape.. see you later.

My petit Beau & the goats

A few weeks ago when we were on a short visit to Holland I snapped these cute pictures of Matteo during our visit at the goat farm that is in the heart of Amsterdamse bos ( Amsterdam forest) A lovely way to educate little children where milk and cheese comes from as they have all sorts of life stock as cows, ducks, ponys but especially goats.
If you visit Amsterdam with kids, please go to the goat farm for an unforgettable experience.

my garden

Dandelions, bluebells, and other colours in the garden. To get away from the dust in the house caused by the wood sanding, I nipped round the garden and took these ...

I don't have a macro lens for my new Canon 5D so I took these on large format and zoomed in on the computer and cropped them in photoshop, my eyesight is so terrible these days its lucky for me that cameras can focus for you. I was so delighted with the dandelion, it is so soft and fluffy looking. On the right is the original photo. Technology can be wonderful (sometimes). I am still amazed at how different things are now that you can view the photo instantly, I wonder if I will ever dabble with film again, I certainly have enough old cameras and lenses to play with, a bit like getting a record player and playing all the old vinyl, which we have been doing recently.

and because I couldn't blog without a  pic of one of my cats, heres ziggy, who runs up the tree and waits for Ian to throw up a ball, he bats it down every time  and never misses. Ziggy thinks  he is a dog as this is just one of his many tricks.