Bucks County Show

So what did I come away with from the Bucks County show? This tasty quiche and rye bread from a local producer and by far the best thing, these sloe berries picked on the way home. The recipe for Sloe Gin will, I'm sure go on this blog, along with Cider making for Christmas. 

At the end of every summer holiday is the Bucks County Show. The choice of date is linked to the fact that this is primarily and agricultural show.  Here are a selection of photos taken a few years ago which should give you a flavour of what to expect at a County show.  

As well as livestock, young farmers, horse events, food marquees, rides, exhibitors, tractors there are some great clothes stalls which sell tweedy and country style outfits traditional and modern.

The show has a website here. It is situated very near to where I live near Aylesbury and in any weather is a great day out. 

There are marquees full of rural crafts and demonstrations and judging going on all day. 
