Decorative Living

This week I finally made it along to the Decorative Living Fair at Chelsea Town Hall, I say finally because I've been meaning to go for some time. The fair is organized by Caroline Zoob and is a beautiful collective of stallholders, chosen for their high quality in the decorative living arena.  

Every stall has combinations of antique and handmade items, clothing and craft supplies. The venue is gorgeous, it makes such a big difference to the shopping experience to be in beautiful surroundings. I was so impressed with how much attention to detail had gone into making the stands, especially considering this is a one day event, hats off to all the hard work that went into it by everyone.

Three French Hens

Beyond France

The Old Haberdashery.  The owner has recently been to China and brought back some great pieces. 

Belle Epoque

Lisa Brown Vintage Flower Paintings

part of the Homes & Antiques stand.

There was also the extra surprise of bumping into Alice and Sam from Homes & Antiques magazine.  Alice was the first person from H&A that I ran into some years ago and drew my attention to how great the mag is now. I also love love love the fact that they get out and meet their readers and this must surely be the reason for why the magazine is so appealing, as they listen to their public.  The November issue has a gorgeous feature on Annie Sloans latest book and photographs of some of the homes featured in it. Apart from my little cottage is the home of Alex Russell Flint, an artist with a home to die for, an amazing place in France with the wow factor for sure. 

It was lovely to see so many familiar faces. Some of these businesses will be at Petworth House in November. Under the banner of Winter Brocant, the Petworth House fair is organised by Love Lane Vintage and sounds like a very glamorous affair. 
If Ive missed out a credit please let me know, I seem to have mislaid all the business cards I collected. 

Petworth House Winter Brocant is now firmly in the diary for November, hope to see you there if not before at the great MK Handmade and Vintage Fair in October.  
