Styling The Seasons - June

It's June already! seriously how did that happen? 

Pink has made it into the nature spectrum after the yellow and blues of spring. Lilac and blush are all appearing as the start of summer, with the more vibrant colours following closely behind.

You may remember a couple of posts ago I visited some artists in their studios and this week I popped back to see Wendy Johnson at Orchard Studios for her preview evening before Bucks Open Studios opens. 

Wendy is exhibiting with several other artists at her home studio, all of whom are very skilled in ceramics.

Some of the work exhibited is Raku - a Japanese firing technique, and my prediction that in interiors there is an increasing feel for Japanese style. Wabi Sabi is definitely the order of the day for the current zeitgeist.

The beautiful organic shapes of the vases and mugs are perfect for the cuttings from the garden.

I have never tried making ceramics, it is the one area where I prefer to just buy from those skilled in this area, I have visions of a coil pot made in junior school and feel that this is probably the peak of my pottery career.

If I'm being totally honest I also don't like getting my hands mucky, as soon as I get stuff stuck to me I can't concentrate on anything else, must be some version of OCD, which I believe is inherent in all artists. Sometimes you just know when something is for you or not and while I have a yearning to learn how to make everything on the planet, I may have to draw the line at ceramics.

My curiosity into how to make and create must stem from my father who had many hobbies, all of which he became brilliant at, and also he was an engineer so just had to take everything apart to see how it worked.

When Wendy went into great detail about the scientific processes behind her work I was just mesmerised, it is so interesting how the finished product comes into being, when there are so many things that could go wrong along the way.

The gallery for #BeHomeFree (my hashtag), is looking so beautiful, please check my previous posts for details of this months sponsors and the prizes on offer for those joining the photo challenge. Your home stylings are very uplifting, and I hope that here you get the same from me in return.
