Be Home Free

drum roll please ...... today I am launching my own hashtag!!!

I'm so excited about the possibilities, so here's what it's all about.  

After much cogitating and talking with friends I finally settled on the tag #BeHomeFree and for me this will encompass a multitude of different things.

The dictionary definition of "Be Home Free" is to be certain to succeed at something because you have done the most difficult part of it.  I feel like this in my life, now in my 50's, I'm happy with the way life is going, and semi-retirement means more time to pursue happiness and well being.

As a crafter, this could also mean that you have broken the back of a project you are working on, which I certainly know the feeling of. 

As this blog is about life and style as I see it, then there are many other aspects to the words.  

To BE - in the moment, taking time for yourself, a simple meditation that takes the stress away .... 

HOME - where-ever you lay your hat, making a space personal so that you feel cozy and good, let me see your favourite aspects of your home, little corners, personal objects that you like to have with you ... HOME is many things to many people. 

FREE - out and about exploring, adventures and travels. What style do you like to wear when you are away from home? What do you always take with you? Cool and beautiful places to stay and visit ... freedom, what does that mean to you? 

Freedom from convention, free style, if you are like me and not conforming to the stereotype of your age group or gender then here is something that I want to discuss. 

I will be setting the prompts for these different aspects over on Instagram and announcing the winners here on this blog, I already have a handful of great sponsors for this hashtag so there is something for everyone here.

One of my most liked photos on Instagram was of the string of bottles from Rose & Grey so they have kindly said that they would give one away to the winner of the hashtag competition, how fab is that.

So all you have to do is post a photo on Instagram with the hashtag #behomefree and at the end of the month I will announce across all social media the name of the winner and sharing their photo too. If you don't have instagram but you do have twitter then send it to me there, my link is ... @janiceissitt

So, please put it in your diaries, the hashtag launches today June 1st and the closing date for our first competition will be at the end of the month, post your photos any day of the week and I will be doing a round up each week of how the #behomefree community is growing.  

I can't wait to see your interpretation of the phrase, and for this first month I would like to you to post a photo that shows 

....... a sense of home and how you see it. 

